Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Malcolm: Party of 3

We took on last little family get-away as a family of three over Memorial Day. We didn't have much time off work, but it was the perfect long weekend. We decided to hit up Minneapolis! The only downfall of the trip was that we didn't get a single picture of the three of us together! Ava did a very good job on the ride up, but we also learned that having a toddler that is potty trained makes long car rides a bit more challenging than having a baby or toddler still in diapers. However, she did a very good job and had no accidents! We also learned that we now hate automatic flushers and why are public toilets so much louder than the toilets at home? We spent the weekend relaxing as a family. Enjoying the outdoor pool at our hotel, eating out, and hitting up Como Zoo. It was the perfect zoo for a toddler, plus the admission charge is free!

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