Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Go Panthers!

Saturday was UNI Homecoming and we decided to partake in the festivities this year. We met my family there and some friends for tailgating in the afternoon. I was a little nervous about this all week, as the forecast called for rain, but it ended up being quite a decent day. It was actually mine and Ava's very first UNI Football game!

Ava was so great during the tailgating. My little social butterfly loved all the attention and being passed around. She is also back to loving uncle Josh and uncle Tyson, so they were giving her lots of love and attention that day as well. Ava got a little sleepy right when the game was starting, so she took at quick catnap on Nana's lap and woke up 30 minutes later dancing to the sound of the band. This girl loves to dance! During the 4th quarter I took Ava to get her picture taken with TC and TK (the Panther mascots), she wasn't scared but kept a VERY close eye on them!

We had a great time and the Panther's won!

Ava and Uncle Joshie

Cool shades

My dad got the UNI Marching Band to come to our tailgate to play for us (mostly, he thought Ava would love it).

1 comment:

  1. In the picture with all of us, Darren looks like he is NOT happy with someone!! Good thing you and I are in the picture so we know it wasn't us :)
