Friday, January 7, 2011

15 months

We had Ava's 15 month well check today with Dr. Huwe. Apparently the 12 month shots were so memorable that Ava started crying as soon as she saw the nurse. She bawled when I was taking her clothes off, getting weighed, measured, ears checked, and then finally shots. It was not an enjoyable morning. Poor baby.

At 15 months, Ava weighs 28 lbs, 12 oz (99%) and was 32.5 inches (96%).

These are a few of Ava's favorite things to do:
Scribble with crayons
Read books
Play with her new Mega Blocks
Play with her babies
Elmo and Clifford on tv

Ava is still totally uninterested in walking. Her balance is very good, she can walk with you by just holding on to the tip of your pinkie finger, but as soon as you try to let go she plops down. She is too nervous and won't even attempt. She has taken a few steps here and there, but I don't even think she realized that she did it.

Ava has also gotten really good at pointing out pigs, cows, and dogs in her farm book. Sometimes when I ask her where the dog is, she points to our dog, Sophie. Like, "duh, Mom, she's right there!"

Ava is still such a little lovey and gives the best hugs and kisses. One of my favorite things to do is cuddle her in the morning on the days we don't have to go to work/daycare right away. I love it when she pats my back when she hugs me.

1 comment:

  1. Gus didn't really try to walk until 13 months, and didn't walk well until 14-15 months. Every kid is different, and being late at walking is common with the first. She'll get to it when she is ready. she sounds like she is focusing more on learning about the stimuli in her environment around her than walking. which is normal too :)
