Ava currently weighs 24 lbs, 4 oz. The weight gain is slowing down, but she's still off the charts! Her height is 30 inches (99th percentile). Her head size is 90th percentile. She still doesn't have any teeth!
At 9 months, Ava can:
stand with little help when holding on to a push toy or your hands
play by herself so well. It is so fun watching her entertain herself!
play peek-a-boo
play patty-cake
This month we started introducing more foods for Ava to try. I let her have one of the Gerber biter biscuit cookies and she loved it. She has also tried watermelon and cantaloupe. We've also started introducing more of the Gerber 3rd foods. Ava had "Turkey, Rice, and Vegetables" for the first time last night. The texture of the 3rd foods is a bit thicker and chunkier so she made some funny faces, however she kept opening her mouth for more so I think she liked it!
I have also stopped nursing. Up until last week I was still nursing her once a day in the morning. She has transitioned to 100% formula like a champ.
Ava is still wearing size 12 month clothing. She is now wearing size 4 diapers.
Even though Ava has only been crawling for a couple of weeks, she has really picked up some speed. Its so cute when you leave the room for a second and she follows you. Its definitely not has easy to get things done anymore, because she is most interested in playing with the things she shouldn't... such as, Sophie's toys, shoes, cell phones, magazines, and photo albums.
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