Darren got home around 11 and had told me earlier in the week that he wanted to do some work in the yard in the afternoon. So out we went. I was under the impression that I had to help with the yard work, but he really just wanted me and Ava out there to keep him company. Fine by me! However, after being outside for about 20 minutes watching Darren try to take down a wasp nest, a robin kept swooping down and trying to attack Sophie in the yard. After about 3 times of just getting missed by the robin, I decided enough was enough and came back inside. I was not about to spend the day in the ER and be on the front page of the newspaper, "Local woman attacked by crazy bird!"
After Darren was finished with his projects we took a walk and took Ava to the park across the street. I often wonder, as she gets older will a park across the street be a blessing, or a curse? Ava loves to swing and its so fun listening to her giggle!
We then went to my parents in Dumont to have a BBQ with my parents and my Grandpa to celebrate Father's Day with them. Ava had fun playing outside, swinging at Nana and Papa's and seeing the new baby kitties.
Introducing Ava to the kitties. See how excited Sophie is in the background?
She wasn't quite sure what to think.
Papa and Ava
Swinging with Papa
Daddy and Ava
Tyson and Josh putting together Dad's Father's Day gift
Daddy taking a walk with his girls.
Ava might not have known what to think of the kitties the first time, but when I brought them over...she definitely knew what to think as she was swatting them away from her!!!