We have been working on the finishing touches of the nursery. We still need to get some blinds on the windows and I'm searching for a rug as well. But other than that, it is definitely coming together.
33 weeks
The rest of the week moved pretty slow, as I was so excited for the events that were to take place on Sunday. First of all, Rachel and Tyson got engaged on Sunday morning! He had us all hide out at their house waiting for them to return from their morning bike ride. He popped the question when they got back and we were all there waiting to celebrate the great news with them. She said YES, by the way! No date has been set as of yet, but I'm putting my money on sometime in the next year.

Then Sunday afternoon, Rachel had to put the excitement of her engagement on hold for a little bit to host a baby shower for me. It was a great shower! Great food, great friends, great family, great gifts! I totally feel overwhelmed and speechless by the wonderful gifts we received. One things definitely for sure... this baby is LOVED!!!
Pecha girls at the shower
Me with the cute diaper cake Rachel made
Opening gifts